We ARE One Church

We ARE One Church

As I have been preparing this morning to go to my church for onebody-oneblood I find I am thinking of all the friends and family who will be joining from over the many miles that separate us and feel a closeness with them that I don’t usually feel. We ARE one...
Promoting Event to my Congregation

Promoting Event to my Congregation

I am registered and will be promoting One Body One Blood to my congregation. What a great event to focus on the gift Jesus gave us at the cross that we might be saved from our sins. Good Friday is the perfect time to take part in the Lord’s Supper.
Connection With Missionaries

Connection With Missionaries

As a pastor I have many reasons I am leading my congregation to participate in a worldwide celebration of the Lord’s Table. One of them is this allows us to share ministry with missionaries we support as a church. Rather than sending a team of people at great...
Important for Youth

Important for Youth

As a youth pastor and a parent, I think it is so important that our kids understand the importance of the Lord’s table and the work He did on the cross. My youth group will be taking part of the One Blood One Body event on April 2nd but we want to take it a step...